Blanca's Triumph Over Foreclosure Challenges

Blanca, a mother of two, faced dire financial struggles during the COVID-19 pandemic, including impending foreclosure due to rent arrears. With Housing Is Your Right’s help, she received education, support, and guidance, leading to a halted foreclosure. Through ongoing collaboration, Blanca saved her family home, retaining equity and empowerment in housing crises.

their story

Blanca, a mother of two, faced significant challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, much like many of us. In addition to coping with the loss of her mother, she found herself struggling to find work, falling behind on rent, which amounted to $20,754. With only limited financial support from her family,

Blanca’s situation became dire, leading to the foreclosure of her inherited home. Feeling overwhelmed and unaware of available resources, she received a flier from Housing Is Your Right, which arrived at the perfect time.

course of action

After she contacted Housing Is Your Right, we started the process of saving her home right away. It started with collecting background information about her case, including items she didn’t know were necessary to help her case, like who is currently servicing her loan. The next step was collecting her mortgage statement, enabling us to contact her lender and trustee on her behalf.

Throughout this process, we were constantly educating her about the different roles in this process: lender, servicer, and trustee. We were able to postpone the Trustee Sale auction, continuously educating and supporting her throughout the pre-foreclosure period. After communicating with the trustee, we discovered she owed $20,754 in arrears to bring her mortgage current.


Seven months later, we found resources to rescind the amount. We were able to save her family $400,000 in equity. Thanks to the counseling and emotional support offered by Housing Is Your Right, Blanca was able to save her family home. The organization played a vital role in empowering her with knowledge and assisting her in navigating the challenges she faced.

At Housing Is Your Right, our goal is not only to help clients retain their homes but also to simplify the process and alleviate their stress. Blanca praised our team members for their politeness, empathy, and non-judgmental attitude. We understand the fear and anxiety associated with the possibility of losing one’s home, and we strive to build trusting relationships with our clients.


By fostering open communication, we established a strong rapport with Blanca, ensuring she felt comfortable reaching out to us with any housing-related questions or concerns. This ongoing relationship allowed her to make confident decisions and provided reassurance that she had an expert advocating for her best interests.